Today I decided to make some rissoles, I was daydreaming and worked out that a rissole would be a perfect afternoon protein snack for me, if I'm feeling like something savoury! (more on my rissole recipe later...)
I started thinking about flour. I like my rissoles rolled in flour before cooking, and I do need to use flour from time to time when cooking other other dishes, even though I attempt to eat low carb at all times these days. Low carb also means I will not be adding breadcrumbs to my rissoles either.
So I did a little research and I found Coconut Flour, it looks like the best choice for me. I discovered some great facts including:
- Coconut Flour is a low carb flour. It has fewer digestible carbs than any other flour, including soy! It even has fewer digestible carbs than most vegetables.
- Coconut Flour is a good source of protein. It has as much protein as wheat flour but it has no gluten.
- Coconut Flour is high in fibre. It contains 38.5% fibre which is the highest percentage of dietary fibre found in any flour (wheat bran is 27% fibre).
- The Australian Heart Foundation recommends that adults should consume approximately 30g of fibre daily. (1 Tablespoon of coconut flour equals approx 5 grams of fibre.)
You can find out more about Organic Coconut Flour at:
NUMBERS (per 100g, this is slightly less than a metric cup)
Protein: 19.3g
Carbohydrate: 64.5g
Fat: 8.6g
Fibre: 38.5g